Sunday, March 25, 2012

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts have a reputation of being so gross you have to feed them to the family dog. Not true! They are a fantastic little veggie.

We ate at Graffiato in DC earlier this month and had the most divine brussels sprouts I have ever had. They have this delicious light cream sauce that I still can't put my finger on. Maybe some sort of Creme Fraiche? Pancetta, maple, and bits of hard boiled egg to boost the flavor.

Want an easy at home recipe? Start with trimming the bottoms just a little, then halving the little darlings lengthwise. Next you will want to parboil them so they are bright green.

In the meantime, dice up some pancetta and brown it in a pan. Once that is completed, add your parboiled brussels sprouts and cook until browned. 

Add a splash of balsamic vinegar and red wine vinegar and serve.

Throughout this post I really wanted to refer to brussels sprouts as BS, but it just didn't seem right. Enjoy this delightful little cabbage, but don't eat too much because then you will be tooting all night long.

Update: I had the BS again, and it appears the cream may just be sour cream.

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